Letní/zimní školy



náměstí Jana Palacha 2

116 38 Praha 1
Místnosti 103 a 128
Kontakty na pracovníky

U většiny zde uvedených letních škol se jedná o nabídku komerčního charakteru, studenti si tedy vše vyřizují přímo s pořádající institucí a musí počítat s poplatky za školu (pokud není v podmínkách uvedeno jinak).

Letní školy, které nabízejí stipendium, naleznete také v sekci Stipendia.


The Summer Institute in Computational Social Science – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. The Summer Institute will bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty interested in computational social science. The Summer Institute is for both social scientists (broadly conceived) and data scientists (broadly conceived). Participation in the summer school is free of charge.

Deadline: 3 March 2023


International Summer Schools 2023 – Universität Zürich. RUK nabízí finanční podporu pro 5 vybraných stdentů UK. Pro více informací kontaktujte ZO FF UK.


The 4th International Summer School in the Foundations of Democracy: American Law, Politics & Economy – will take place live at a modern and air-conditioned venue in Rome, Italy on July 16-30, 2023.

Deadline: June 15, 2023


The Rothberg International School (RIS) at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, offers a wide array of short-term courses and programs throughout the year. You can choose courses from the July, August, and winter sessions, as well as elect to take language courses or participate in archaeological field schools.


The Language Centre of the University of Innsbruck offers in the months of July and August Intensive German Courses.

Summer field school for anthropology and ethnography on the islet of Gozo.


National Taiwan University – Plus Academy Summer + Programs. Scholarship Opportunity: Full program-fee waivers will be offered to several applicants for Chinese Studies: +C2 (Chinese Translation & Culture) and +C3 (Chinese Classics & Culture).


Nabídka letních kurzů z různých oborů Université de Lausanne.


University of Antwerp – summer schools.


International Summer Schools – University of Oxford.