Stephen Burt is co-editor of the recent Cambridge History of American Poetry (2015), and author o fClose Calls with Nonsense: Reading New Poetry (2009) and The Art of the Sonnet (2011). The foremost poetry critic in the United States, he reviews regularly for a range of outlets. His lecture “Why People Need Poetry” was a TED talk in 2013.
A poet also, Stephen Burt, will give a reading on Sunday, 11 October 2015, at 7.30 pm at (A)VOID, Náplavka.
Podrobnosti události
- Začátek události
- 12. 10. 2015 10:50
- Konec události
- 2. 10. 2015 12:20
- Místo konání
- nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1 (místnost č. 111)
- Webové stránky
- Organizátor
- Ústav anglofonních literatur a kultur
- Typ události
- Konference a přednášky