Co je to digital humanities? Jak tento koncept zapadá do současného pojetí univerzit? A co je to kultura 3.0 v tomto kontextu?
Přednáška Digital Humanities and the Future of Universities a následná diskuse jsou určené akademické obci FF UK i veřejnosti. Akce proběhne v anglickém jazyce bez tlumočení. Moderuje Mgr. Josef Šlerka.
Pier Luigi Sacco is Professor of Economics and Deputy Rector for International Relationships at IULM University, Milan and Visiting professor at Harvard University (USA). He is also the Director of the bid of Siena for the European Capital of Culture 2019. Writes for International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries, Il Sole 24 Ore, Artribune and Flash Art and has published many papers in top journals and in books with major publishers on cultural economics, cultural policy design, game theory, and economic theory. He is often invited as keynote speaker in major international conferences and consults widely for national and regional governments, organizations, and cultural institutions. He is member of the Warwick Commission, of the European Expert Network on Culture, is in the board of Ujazdowski Castle Museum Warsaw, and is a member of the European House for Culture. |
Podrobnosti události
- Začátek události
- 18. 10. 2016 9:30 - 11:00
- Místo konání
- nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1 (FF UK, místnost č. 200)
- Typ události
- Konference a přednášky