Migrants and juvenile delinquency: Lack of social bonds to society among migrant youth

Katedra sociologie FF UK zve všechny zájemce o kriminologii na přednášku s názvem Migrants and juvenile delinquency: Lack of social bonds to society among migrant youth, kterou pronese prof. Majone Steketee, ředitelka Verwey Joncker Instituutu v Utrechtu.

Many young people with a migrant background feel less attachment to their social environment and institutions. Their marginalized position is often seen as an explanation for their over-representation in problem behaviours such as crime, drug use or school dropouts. Migrant families live more often in disadvantaged areas because of their high levels of unemployment and economic deprivation, and these areas suffer from high crime levels. Residential turnover further weakens social bonds and social control in these areas. This paper uses the third sweep of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study to examine whether there is a difference in the bonding of young migrants with their family, school, teacher, friend and neighbourhood compared with people who have been born within the country. It assesses whether differences in bonding explain the over representation of migrant youth in problem behaviour as delinquency, substance use and truancy.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
6. 12. 2018 16:00 - 17:00
Místo konání
nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1 (hlavní budova FF UK, aula 131)
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Katedra sociologie FF UK
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Konference a přednášky