Conatct person for MSCA PF

Ing. Lenka Zeisková, tel. 221 619 435

Contact person for OP JAK

Mgr. Petra Soukupová, tel. 221 619 849

  • MSCA-PF call published: April 2023
  • Deadline for submitting proposals: 13. 9. 2023
  • Call results announcement: February 2024
  • Expected project start: June 2024

MSCA PF (Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions – Postdoctoral Fellowships)

MSCA-PF covers postdoc salary, including family and mobility allowance, as well as contributing to research, training and networking for the whole duration of the project.

Projects duration is usually 2 years

Národní informační den pro MSCA (National information day for MSCA) – 7.3.2023 – REGISTER HERE
Please register by March 5th 2023 (23:59).

Eligibility criteria

MSCA-PF is for postdocs who change their institution and leave or have recently left for an institution abroad.

The applicants have to meet the following conditions:

  • to have defended their Ph.D. thesis at the call deadline at the latest.
  • They can apply up to 8 years after they defended their Ph.D. thesis (with exceptions of time spent outside Europe, parental leave, and similar)
  • They have not resided/studied/worked in the  country of their host organization for more than 12 months in the 36 months  immediately  prior to the deadline

Practical tip: Always check your eligibility to apply! The MSCA-PF-2023 deadline is on 13th September 2023.

contributions for the recruited researcher (per personmonth) Institutional unit contribution
Living allowance* Mobility allowance Family allowance Long-term leave allowance Special needs allowance Research, training and networking contribution Management and direct contribution
postdoctoral fellowship MSCA PF *€5 080 €600 €660 €5 680 requested unit x (1/no. of months) €1 000 €650
*country coefficient is 0,791 out of the full unit cost (4018, 28 per unit)

How to apply

The first step is to:
a) notify the faculty contact person for the grant and
b) get the proposal approved by the head of your designated department
Via the Funding and Tenders portal on the EC EUROPA website
Video tutorials on How to apply in the FUNDING and TENDERS portal

Success rate of MSC​A-PF​ and alternative funding​

MSCA-PF is highly competitive. In H2020, to get an MSCA-IF the applicant had to score at least 93% (10-15 % of all applicants).

However, there is also alternative funding for your proposal that would not reach the MSCA-PF funding:

  • ERA Fellowship (former Widening Fellowship in H2020) – extra funding for postdocs applying with an institution from a Widening country (CR is one of them). In H2020, to get a Widening Fellowship you would have to score at least 90% (up to about 25 % of all applicants)
  • MSCA OP J.A.C. (OP JAK) – Structural funds funding for the “Seal of Excellence“ (score 85% and higher) However, the threshold for funding using the threshold for proposal considered for funding, i.e., 70% (achieved by about 70-80 % applicants!). This is a massive competitive advantage of the Czech Republic as such conditions are unbeatable in the context of all Widening countries!

For more information for OP JAK, please contact Mgr. Petra Soukupová, tel. 221 619 849