
Prof. Petr Kratochvíl Has Published a New Book on the Role of the Catholic Church in the Contemporary International System

The academic from the Department of Political Science at CU FA, who is also a guarantor for the multi-university research project CoRe, has published Geopolitics of Global Catholicism: Politics of Religion in Space and Time. The work will be formally presented to a professional audience for the first time on Friday 7 June 2024 at the Gregorian University in Rome.

A Publication by Dr Ondřej Vojtěchovský and Prof Jan Pelikán Was Translated into Croatian

The Zagreb publishing house Srednja Europa has published a translation of the book Ne baš lako socijalističko prijateljstvo, written by Dr Ondřej Vojtěchovský and Prof Jan Pelikán from the Institute of World History at CU FA. The original publication was originally published by the Faculty of Arts Press in 2021.

The Prestigious Journal of Archaeological Science Published an Article on the Research of Long Neolithic Mounds in the Vicinity of Říp Mountain

The co-authors of the article “Neolithic long barrows were built on the margins of settlement zones as revealed by elemental soil analysis at four sites in the Czech Republic” are Dr Martin Janovský and Dr Laszlo Ferenczi from the Department of Archaeology at CU FA.

The World of Literature Magazine Published a Special Issue “Kafka en Hispanoamérica” Dedicated to the 100th Death Anniversary of Franz Kafka

The special issue published in Spanish contains more than twenty studies focusing on the presence of Kafka’s work in the Hispano-American literature of the 20th and 21st century. The studies were written by renowned authors from eight countries from Europe and America. The editor of this issue is Prof Anna Housková from the Department of Romance Studies at CU FA.

Doc. Alenka Jensterle Doležal Published a New Monograph, Slovene Women Writers at the Beginning of the 20th Century

The monograph written by an academic from the IECEBS at CU FA consists of eleven literary-historical studies and an appendix in the form of biographies of the authors. At the forefront of the studies is comparative research on Slovenian women authors in the Slovenian modern period, who have been either overlooked or under-researched in Slovenian literature.

Sergei Medvedev Will Present His Latest Book on Russian War in Ukraine

An academic from the Department of East European Studies at CU FA will introduce his publication, A War Made in Russia (Polity Press, Cambridge), in room P131 (Great Auditorium), on 16 November 2023 at 5 pm. A public discussion follows the presentation.

New Issue of Estetika Explores Theme of “Failures in Aesthetic Judgement”

The journal Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics is published by Helsinki University Press in cooperation with the Department of Aesthetics at CU FA. This special issue includes four essays, an article, and a review of Matthew Strohl’s book Why It’s OK to Love Bad Movies. The introduction was written by a guest editor, María José Alcaraz León.

Dr Barbora Půtová Published a Monograph on the Paintings of Jaroslav Róna

The publication Jaroslav Róna: Apocalypses and Visions was written by an academic from the Institute of Ethnology at CU FA and presents the work of a sculptor, painter, graphic artist, and glass artist. He belongs among the prominent personalities of the contemporary Czech art scene.

Dr Radvan Markus Published a Monograph in Irish on the Most Prominent Irish-Language Work of Modernism

The publication Carnabhal na Marbh was written by an academic from the Centre for Irish Studies which discusses the novel Cré na Cille by Máirtín Ó Cadhain in the context of the period when translations of the novel started to circulate outside of Ireland. The monograph assesses its place in the canon of world literature.

New Issue of Litteraria Pragensia “Ireland and Scotland: Cultural Intersections Across the Irish Sea” Has Been Published

The latest issue of the journal, edited by Dr Petra Johana Poncarová and Dr Radvan Markus from the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at CU FA, has just been released. The journal is available in open access.