Mladí akademici ze zahraničí mohou prostřednictvím Fondu Junior žádat o až dvouletý pobyt na FF UK

The goal of the JUNIOR Fund is to attract prospective international post-doc researchers, who will carry out research within a specific field. The main initiative is always on the relevant establishment or a faculty or other unit of CU that is interested in researching a particular research project.

Selection of the researchers is carried out in the first step by the relevant research centre or department of the faculty (or other part of the University) responsible for the research; in the second step by the Charles University‘s Research Board that makes the final selection.

All details are to be found at the CUNI websites:

JUNIOR Fund (Post-Doc): Prerequisites of post-doc applicants, Key information for post-doc applicants, Procedure of nomination and selection, Schedule for the candidates 2021, Documents for post-doc researchers, Contact

List of Post-Doctoral Fellowships at CU FA

  • Art and Archaeology of the Central and Western Mediterranean during the Roman Period
  • Medicine and Magia Posthuma Between the Late Middle Ages and the Eighteenth Century
  • Translation in the Legal Domain as a Sub-Area of Institutional Translation
  • Postdoctoral Grant in Medieval Philosophy
  • Greek and/or Latin Studies

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