Calendar: Call for papers

Current events

Call for Papers | Negotiating the Revolt: Punk in Times of Political Transformation

The conference is organized by the Institute of Czech History at CU FA alongside the project Negotiating the Revolt in Czech and Slovak Postsocialist Transition, which is supported by the Czech Science Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Archive of Czech and Slovak Subcultures, the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture and the […]

Past events

Call for Papers: 3rd International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.3)

Call for Papers: Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2020 The deadline for the submission of abstracts of individual papers and panels has passed, but we still invite abstract submissions for late-breaking posters. Poster presentations will be allocated their own time slot during the conference. No printed posters will be presented; posters will be displayed on digital screens and […]

The Artful – Call for Submissions

The student society Schwa accepts submissions for their second issue of a collection of authorial works called The Artful. Accepted are works written by students of English and American Studies, its graduates, and newly also by the academic staff. Works accepted: poetry, prose, photographs and illustrations texts in English / Czech maximum of 800 words up […]

CfP: Changes, Crises and Crucial Moments. 5th conference on the Middle Ages in Britain

5th conference on the Middle Ages in Britain Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 28th – 29th April 2018 Call for papers The conference, designed as a meeting space for students and beginning researchers of Medieval Britain from across the Humanities, is the fifth in a series after Prague 2012, Giessen 2013, Bonn 2014, and Prague 2016. […]

CfP: Republicanism in the History of Political Philosophy and Today

3rd Biennial Ideas in Politics Conference Republicanism in the History of Political Philosophy and Today Prague – November 3rd–4th, 2017 Call for papers The current surge of political populism across the Western world may be interpreted not only as a sign of the collapse of the post-Cold War (neo-)liberal consensus but also as a symptom of a deeper crisis of […]

CfP: Beyond Revolution in Russia. Narratives – Spaces – Concepts. A 100 Years since the Event.

The outbreak of a socialist revolution in one of the least industrially developed European regions might be found by the contemporaries as surprising as the destabilizing potential of new revolutionary thoughts in the following period of the civil war. Its consequences were fully manifested, for instance, in young successor states of the Austrian Empire: Poland, Czechoslovakia, […]

CfP: STANCE: An International Undergraduate Philosophy Journal

CALL FOR PAPERS Stance seeks original philosophical papers authored by current undergraduates. Submission Guidelines: Stance welcomes papers concerning any philosophical topic. Current undergraduates may submit a paper between 1500 and 3500 words in length (footnotes may extend the word limit 500 words at most). Stance asks that each undergraduate only submit one paper for the journal per year. Papers should […]

CfP: ICAME Conference

In May 2017 Faculty of Arts will be hosting the international corpus lingusitics conference ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English).The theme of the conference is Corpus et Orbis: Interpreting the World through Corpora. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 December 2016.

Call for Applications: Humanities at Scale Winter School

Call for Application: deadline August 14, 2016 The winter school will be organized as 10 thematic half-days, both theoretical and pragmatic, including lectures, presentations and practical workshops about: Open Access & Open Edition The status of data in scientific publication, in social sciences and humanities Relationship between Data Management Plan (DMP) & research design Issues […]

Call for papers − The Journal of Culture (2/2016)

We would like to inform you about the monothematic issue of The Journal of Culture (2/2016) which is now under preparation, with the following preliminary title Ethnic process / diversity / identity / conflict. Deadline for submitting full papers: 30 May 2016. Plakát

CFP – Annual Conference: Community and Exclusion. Collective Violence in the Multiethnic (East) Central European Societies before and after the Holocaust (1848-1948)

Prague Centre for Jewish Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University; Masaryk Institute; and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, in co-operation with the Historical Institutes of the Slovak and the Polish Academy of Sciences, invite paper proposals from the annual conference: Community and Exclusion. Collective Violence in the Multiethnic (East) Central European Societies before and after the […]