Scholarships of Anglo-Czech Educational Fund (ACEF) allows PhD students and young researchers from CUFA to spend part of their study at prestigious universities in Great Britain. This exceptional support helps to connect young researchers in the area of humanities with world-class departments. Applicants may enrol in a competitive examination until 3 March 2020.
The aim of the foundation ACEF is to support several months up to one year of a research study of Czech and Slovakian interested people under 35 years. During their funded stay in Britain, the applicants should make progress in their dissertations or prepare for publication a recently defended thesis. An important condition for acquiring the scholarship is also close cooperation of the scholarship holders with the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, even after their return in the Czech Republic.
To grant the scholarship, the applicant has to turn in their projects or study intention and a recommendation of a lecturer from the accepting British university. CUFA then sends documents along with a nomination to the committee members of ACEF which invites the applicants to an oral examination in English. The average amount of the scholarship is around 1000 GBP per month