Academic Calendar

General Overview

Start of the academic year1 Oct. 2024
Instruction during the winter semester30 Sep. 202410 Jan. 2025
Dean’s day relating to the election of the Student Council (cancelled classes, laboratory work, etc.; assessment of studies is not possible)16 Oct. 2024 (from 4 pm)
Dean’s day for sports (cancelled classes, laboratory work, etc.; all faculty libraries are closed; assessment of studies is not possible)22 Oct. 2024
Humanities Week (cancelled classes, laboratory work, etc.; assessment of studies is not possible)18 Nov. 202422 Nov. 2024
Christmas holidays23 Dec. 20243 Jan. 2025
Open day11 Jan. 2025
Examination period (January, February)13 Jan. 202516 Feb. 2025
Instruction during the summer semester17 Feb. 202516 May 2025
Dean’s day (cancelled classes, laboratory work, etc.; all faculty libraries are closed; assessment of studies is not possible)17 Apr. 2025
Rector’s day (cancelled classes, laboratory work, etc.; all faculty libraries are closed; assessment of studies is not possible)13 May 2025
Examination period (May, June)19 May 202530 Jun. 2025
Summer holidays1 Jul. 202531 Aug. 2025
Examination period (September)1 Sep. 202512 Sep. 2025
End of the academic year 30 Sep. 2025

Enrolment in Courses in the CU Student Information System (SIS)

Course enrolment in SIS (for the winter semester) [1]20 Sep. 2024 (7 am)11 Oct. 2024 (11:59 pm)
Course enrolment in SIS for students of other faculties (for the winter semester)23 Sep. 2024 (7 am)11 Oct. 2024 (11:59 pm)
Course enrolment in SIS (for the summer semester) [2]7 Feb. 2025 (7 am)  28 Feb. 2025 (11:59 pm)
Course enrolment in SIS for students of other faculties (for the summer semester)12 Feb. 2025 (7 am)28 Feb. 2025 (11:59 pm)
[1] In the case of students of PhD study programmes, these are only courses enrolled in beyond the scope of the individual curriculum.
[2] In the case of students of PhD study programmes, these are only courses enrolled in beyond the scope of the individual curriculum.

BA and MA Studies

Matriculation ceremony4 Oct. 2024
Submission of requests for recognition of fulfilling the assessment of courses so that the credits for these courses may be taken into account for enrolment in the next year of studies1 Oct. 202431 Jul. 2025
Fulfilment of study obligations in SIS so that the credits for these study obligations may be taken into account for enrolment in the next year of studies 17 Sep. 2025
Submission of requests for enrolment in the next year of studies [3]19 May 202517 Sep. 2025 (11:59 pm)
SIS closed for registering the results for assessing courses18 Sep. 2025 (12 midnight)12 Oct. 2025
Bachelor’s graduation ceremonies8, 9, and 10 Oct. 2024 6, 10, 11, and 12 Dec. 2024 10 and 15 Apr. 2025
Master’s graduation ceremonies11 and 14 Oct. 2024 29 Nov. and 2 Dec. 2024 24 and 25 Apr. 2025
Enrolment of applicants in the first year of studies for the beginning the 2025/2026 academic yearJuly 2025 (to be specified)September 2025 (to be specified)
[3] For the purposes of advancing to the next year, only the assessment of courses (attestation) completed and registered in SIS up to and including 17 September 2025 can be counted. Requests are usually submitted electronically in SIS, and each student can submit a request immediately after reaching the minimum number of credits required for advancing to the next year, but no earlier than 19 May 2025 and no later than 17 September 2025.

State Examinations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes

The specific terms of state examinations for bachelor’s and master’s study programmes are provided in SIS. The state examinations are regulated by the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University, as amended, and the Rules for the Organization of Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, as amended.

  State examination term (from – to)Deadline for assessment of fulfilling student obligations prior to state examinationDeadline for submitting state examination application
2 Dec. 2024 [4]13 Dec. 2024Individually agreed with the Student Affairs OfficeIndividually agreed with the Student Affairs Office  
20 Jan. 20257 Feb. 20258 Jan. 20254 Dec. 2024
26 May 20256 Jun. 202514 May 202523 Apr. 2025
9 Jun. 202520 Jun. 202528 May 20257 May 2025
1 Sep. 202512 Sep. 202512 Sep. 2025  8 Jul. 2025
Assigning of bachelor’s and master’s thesesContinuously during the academic year; students cannot defend their theses earlier than six months after entering it in SIS. Based on a student’s request, the dean of the faculty can shorten this period in exceptional cases (see the Rules for the Organization of Studies at the Faculty of Arts, as amended).
Submission of bachelor’s and master’s thesesStandard submission is no later than one month before the beginning of the period when state examinations are held according to this calendar and in which the thesis is to be defended based on the submitted application. The head of the relevant faculty unit may set a different term, but the set term must fall within the period from three months to three weeks before the date of the defence (see the Rules for the Organization of Studies at the Faculty of Arts, as amended).

[4] This term is only for students of 5-year master’s study programmes.

State Rigorosum Examinations

The specific terms for state rigorosum examinations are set based on the proposals of the individual units of the faculty. State rigorosum examinations are regulated by the Rigorosum Examination Code of Charles University, as amended, and the Rules for State Rigorosum Examinations at the Faculty of Arts, as amended.

  Term for the state rigorosum examination [5] (from – to)Term for submitting the application for the state rigorosum examination
1 Apr. 202530 Apr. 202531 Jan. 2025
1 Nov. 2025  30 Nov. 202531 Aug. 2025
State rigorosum examination – terms for graduation ceremonies10 Dec. 2024
20 May 2025

[5] The terms are only for areas of study/programmes that have valid accreditation during this period (see

Student Evaluation of Educational Activities

The evaluation of educational activities is regulated by the Rules for Evaluating Educational Activities by Students and Graduates of Charles University, as amended, and the Rules for Evaluating Educational Activities by Student and Graduates of the Faculty of Arts, as amended.

Student evaluation of courses in the winter semester11 Jan. 2025 16 Feb. 2025
Period for instructors to react to the results of the winter semester evaluation17 Jan. 202516 Mar. 2025
Publication of the results after the winter semester 17 Mar. 2025
Student evaluation of courses in the summer semester17 May 202512 Sep. 2025
Period for instructors to react to the results of the summer semester evaluation13 Sep. 202512 Oct. 2025
Publication of the results of the summer semester evaluation on the faculty’s web pages13 Oct. 2025


Update of the courses for the winter semester of the 2024/2025 academic year (carried out by the faculty’s units in the Tajemník program) 17 Jun. 2024
Collective generation of the schedules for the winter semester of the 2024/2025 academic year (carried out by the Information Systems Office of the Dean’s Office – ISO) 18 Jun. 2024 (10 am)
Priority scheduling of courses for the pedagogical-psychological module of teacher study programmes, “philosophy” courses in the common core and “extended common core” courses (carried out by the ISO and authorized persons of the units)18 Jun. 202419 Jun. 2024
Priority scheduling of large-capacity courses (carried out by the faculty’s units in their own premises and the ISO according to the submitted scheduling requests)20 Jun. 202424 Jun. 2024
Scheduling of the remaining instruction by the faculty’s units25 Jun. 202416 Jul. 2024
Submitting requests for scheduling of the remaining instruction by the faculty’s units in SIS16 Jul. 2024
Scheduling the remaining instruction (carried out by the ISO)17 Jul. 202416 Aug. 2024
Publication of the schedules (carried out by the faculty’s units)23 Aug. 2024
Update of the foreign-language courses which international students/trainees will also be able to enrol in for the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year (carried out by the faculty’s units in the Tajemník program)15 Sep. 2024
Update of the courses for the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year26 Nov. 2024
(carried out by the faculty’s units in the Tajemník program)
Collective generation of schedules for the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year (carried out by the ISO)27 Nov. 2024
(10 am)
Priority scheduling of courses for the pedagogical-psychological module of teacher study programmes, “philosophy” courses in the common core and “extended common core” courses (carried out by the ISO and authorized persons of the relevant units)27 Nov. 202428 Nov. 2024
Priority scheduling of high-capacity courses (carried out by the faculty’s units in their own premises and the ISO according to the submitted scheduling requests)29 Nov. 20243 Dec. 2024
Scheduling the remaining instruction by the faculty’s units4 Dec. 20245 Jan. 2025
Submitting requests for scheduling the remaining instruction by the faculty’s units in SIS5 Jan. 2025
Scheduling the remaining instruction (caried out by the ISO)6 Jan. 202530 Jan. 2025
Publication of the schedules (carried out by the faculty’s units)31 Jan. 2025
Update of the foreign-language courses which international students/trainees will also be able to enrol in for the winter semester of the 2024/2025 academic year (carried out by the faculty’s units in the Tajemník program)15 Apr. 2025

PhD Studies

Term for submitting the student assessments by the supervisors for the 2023/2024 academic year  8 Oct. 2024
Term for submitting the student assessments by the subject-area boards for the 2023/2024 academic year 22 Oct. 2024
Term for submitting the individual curricula of newly accepted students to their supervisors 31 Oct. 2024
Term for submitting the individual curricula of newly accepted students to the subject-area boards 30 Nov. 2024
Term for approving the individual curricula of newly accepted students by the subject-area boards 31 Dec. 2024
The latest deadline for submitting dissertationsSix months before the end of the maximum period of study
Terms for taking the state PhD examination (upon agreement, the term can be set individually)3 Feb. 2025 28 Feb. 2025
2 Jun. 202530 Jun. 2025
1 Sep. 202530 Sep. 2025
PhD graduation ceremonies20 Nov. 2024
10 Jun. 2025
Creating and completing the extraordinary assessment of students 1 Mar. 202531 Mar. 2025
Term for submitting the extraordinary assessment of student to supervisors 8 Apr. 2025
Term for submitting the extraordinary assessment of student by the subject-area boards 22 Apr. 2025
Enrolment of applicants for studies starting in the 2025/2026 academic year July 2025 (to be specified)   September 2025 (to be specified)  
Fulfilling the obligations of the individual curricula for assessing students for the 2024/2025 academic year 30 Sep. 2025
Creating and completing the annual assessment of students for the 2024/2025 academic year1 Sep. 202530 Sep. 2025

Winter Term

Winter Term Lectures: 2 October 2023 – 12 January 2024
Course Sign-up Period: 22 September 2023 at 7 am – 13 October 2023 at 11:59 pm (valid for Faculty of Arts courses only!)
Exam Period: 15 January 2024 – 18 February 2024

Holidays & Dean’s Days (i.e., no lectures)

  • 18 October 2023 (from 4 pm) – Dean’s Day: Student Council Elections
  • 28 October 2023 – Independent Czechoslovak State Day (foundation of Czechoslovakia in 1918)
  • 7 November 2023 – Dean’s Sports Day
  • 17 November 2023 – Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
    • Commemorating the student demonstration against the Nazi occupation in 1939 and the start of the Velvet Revolution in 1989
  • 23 December 2023 – 1 January 2024 – Christmas Holiday

Summer Term

Summer Term Lectures: 19 February 2024 – 17 May 2024
Course Sign-up Period: 9 February 2024 at 7 am – 1 March 2024 at 11:59 pm (valid for Faculty of Arts courses only!)
Exam Period: 20 May 2024 – 30 June 2024, 2 September 2024 – 13 September 2024

Holidays & Dean’s Days (i.e., no lectures)

  • 28 March 2024: Dean’s Day
  • 29 March 2024: Public holiday – Good Friday
  • 1 April 2024: Public holiday – Easter Monday
  • 1 May 2024: Public holiday – International Workers’ Day
  • 8 May 2024: Public holiday – Victory Day
  • 14 May 2024: Rector’s Day
  • 1 July – 31 August 2024: summer break