

March 2018

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Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: A Heathen King Rolf Stavnem (AU Aarhus)

Life and Death of Heathen Kings of the North Danish scholar Rolf Stavnem (Aarhus Universitet) will analyse the medieval descriptions of the lives of the lords in the pre-Christian Scandinavia. poster The series is organized by the Department of Scandinavian Studies and the Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages of the Faculty of Arts of […]

Chet van Duzer (Standford University): Lifting the Veil on Henricus Martellus’s World Map at Yale (c.1491): Multispectral Imaging and Early Renaissance Cartography

Dr. Shiyanthi Thavapalan (Brown University): Cuneiform Writing and the Transfer of Technological Knowledge in the Ancient Near East

Cuneiform texts generally begin as part of living scholarly tradition, composed by and for an audience interested in setting down in writing the knowledge they contain. In their afterlives, texts may be copied at a time when the knowledge is obsolete or even by people who could no longer understand them. The scribes who copied Early […]

Chet van Duzer (Standford University): With Savage Pictures Fill their Gaps: On Cartographers’ Fears of Blank Spaces

Signe Oksefjell Ebeling (University of Oslo): Contrastive Phraseology: Method and Analysis

We cordially invite everyone interested in corpus linguistic, phraseology, and contrastive linguistic research to the lecture by Signe Oksefjell Ebeling (University of Oslo) on “Contrastive Phraseology: Method and Analysis”.

Dr. Shiyanthi Thavapalan (Brown University): The Meaning of Color in Ancient Mesopotamia

Since Newtonian physics, it seems impossible to think of color as anything other than a property of light. Yet the essential nature of this phenomenon has been subject to theorizing by many, both in the ancient world and in modern history. In recent years, scholarly interest in color has turned to semantics, focusing on the varying […]

Prague German Studies Conference PRAGESTT

We invite you to the 8th annual German studies conference PRAGESTT, which is held on 23th and 24th March 2018 in the main building of the Faculty of Arts on náměstí Jana Palacha. This student conference offers an opportunity for fellow students from various European universities to present their research in the fields of German […]

Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: A Count

The Life and Murder of Count Charles the Good of Flanders (1127) Jeff Rider (Wesleyan University) will comment on the remarkable life of Charles the Good, count of Flanders, murdered 1127 in the church of St. Donatian in Bruges and on chronicle of his regin written by Galbert of Bruges. poster The series is organized […]

Political Role of Universities?

The Centre for Political Philosophy, Ethics and Religion cordially invites everyone interested to a high-profile academic discussion on the topic “Political Role of Universities?”. Our speakers will be: Louise Richardson, vice-chancellor of Oxford University Péter Balázs, Director of the Center for European Neighborhood Studies, CEU Stefan Collini, professor of intellectual history at Cambridge University Tomáš Halík, […]

Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: A Hero

Sigurd the Dragon Slayer. Medieval Legend and Pagan Ritual Danish scholar Jens Peter Schjødt (Aarhus Universitet) will illustrate on the person of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer, one of the most famous medieval heroes, in how far the “heroic biography” was based on the so called “rites de passage“ of archaic societies. poster The series is […]

Enrico Lucca: Early Years of the Hebrew University (1925–1948)

The Prague Centre for Jewish Studies cordially invites everyone interested to a guest lecture by Dr Enrico Luca (Simon-Dubnow-Institut, Leipzig) on “Early Years of the Hebrew University (1925–1948)”.  

Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: A Poet

Troubadour Biographies: From Satire to Courtly Teaching Spanish scholar Miriam Cabré (Universitat de Girona) will speak about the so called Vidas, lives of famous Occitan troubadours and search for their function in medieval Occitan society. poster The series is organized by the Department of Scandinavian Studies and the Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages of the […]


The Boris Nemtsov Academic Centre cordially invites you to a lecture by Professor Alexander Etkind “The Kremlin Well: Towards a Theory of Parasitic State”.

Professor Ludo Beheydt: European Influence of Dutch and Flemish Art: Cultural Mobility

The official opening lecture of the postgraduate and post-doctorate colloquium “Meetings in Low Countries Studies”. A new Cultural narrative for Europe is urgently needed in the European context. If we want European citizens to identify with Europe it is absolutely necessary to recognize the dynamics in European culture. Neither the narrow national look on art, […]

Postgraduate and Post-doctorate Colloquium on Low Countries Studies

The Centre for Dutch language and Culture, Charles University, organizes the sixth postgraduate and post-doctorate colloquium on 7 – 10 March 2018 with the generous support of the Dutch Language Union, Charles University, the Flemish representation, and the Embassy of The Netherlands. Postgraduate and post-doctorate researchers will present papers on various topics Dutch language and […]

Orientalism, the Ottoman Empire, and Turkey: An Ambiguous and Multilayered Context

In 1978, Edward Said published his seminal work, Orientalism, radically changing our understanding of the perception and representation of the East by Western ideology, politics, scholarship, and culture. Today, on the fortieth anniversary of this intellectual benchmark, it seems that orientalism is still alive and well, perhaps even further reinforced by a revived Huntingtonian perception of […]

Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: A Celebrity

Sportsmen and Pop-Stars: The Genre of Biography in the Modern Literature Young Czech literary scholar Klára Soukupová (Charles University, Prague) will speak about the profound changes of the genre of biography in contemporary Europe and trace in how far they reflect the changes of attitude to human life in modern society. poster The series is […]

Current events

CfP: Changes, Crises and Crucial Moments. 5th conference on the Middle Ages in Britain

5th conference on the Middle Ages in Britain Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 28th – 29th April 2018 Call for papers The conference, designed as a meeting space for students and beginning researchers of Medieval Britain from across the Humanities, is the fifth in a series after Prague 2012, Giessen 2013, Bonn 2014, and Prague 2016. […]

TEMA+ European Territories – Heritage and Development – Now accepting applicants!

The 2 year-long (120ECTS) TEMA+ proposes the analysis of the importance of cultural heritage in a European context by applying a multinational, interdisciplinary approach that none of the existing Masters degree in cultural heritage can offer.  The application for the TEMA+ and for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship is open from the 1st of January until 31st of […]