CU FA Holds the Summer School of Scandinavian and Central European History of the 20th Century

The summer school, which takes place from 22 June to 1 July 2023, is an interdisciplinary platform for students of history and Scandinavian studies to learn about the grey areas in studies of World War II, the politics of memory, and the war in literary representations.

The ten-day programme brings together experts from universities in Northern and Central Europe to present their current research and the latest trends to the summer school participants. The lectures and excursions are mainly in Scandinavian languages. The summer school is attended by students and teachers from NTNU Trondheim, CU FA, Comenius University Bratislava, Babeș-Bolyai University, Syddansk Universitet and Göteborgs Universitet.

The summer school is supported by Erasmus+ BIP. You may find more information about the programme here.