Celetná Library Will Be Closed Due to Electricity Shortage

Dear users, please read closely the following important information about the operation of Celetná Library:

Due to the electricity shortage from 19 April to 23 April 2021, all services of Celetná Library are to be unavailable:

Collecting of requested books is suspended during the above mentioned week.
Returning of loans via book drop boxes (Celetná 13, UK Point entrance) is possible but they will be registered as returned in the user account after the restoration of the loan service.

Contact and links

If you have any questions about the current operation of Celetná Library, do not hesitate and write at libceletna@ff.cuni.cz

You may find current information about the operation on Facebook page of Celetná Library and CU FA Libraries

You may find the information about the current operation of libraries on the main webpage of CU FA Library. Here.

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