New Charles University Library and Circulation Rules (Rector’s Directive No. 36/2019) came into effect on Sunday 1.12. 2019. Please, find the full text of the rules here. New rules brought one significant change and multiple minor changes.
The main change is the unified registration of users. From now on, the users who are registered in any library of the Charles University have automatically active registration in all libraries of the Charles University as well.
The process of registration itself is also renewed: students and employees of CU do no longer have to sign paper applications, since from now on, everything can be done in an electronic form. Electronic application form is available here. External users of Faculty of Arts libraries can register only at Jan Palach library (main building) or in Celetná library (address: Celetná 13).
There are some changes concerning the number of loans and the price list as well. Please, see Charles University Library and Circulation Rules (Rector’s Directive No. 36/2019) for further details.