Tuesday, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Wednesday, 2–5 pm (except for summer months)
Thursday, 2–4 pm
There is an electronic ticketing system outside of room P128 – please take a ticket.
You may find our email and other contacts here.
You may; however, please, note that some departments and institutes are extremely restrictive in terms of admitting students outside their bilateral agreements, as the capacity of their courses is limited. These include:
- The Department of Psychology – course codes starting with APS, are only available to students whose university has a bilateral agreement in this field.
- The Department of Film Studies – course codes starting with AFV, are only available to students whose university has a bilateral agreement in this field.
- The Department of Anglophone Literatures and CUltures and the Department of English Language and ELT Methodology at CU FA (both have codes starting with AAA) accept students outside their bilateral agreements ONLY if the teacher agrees, and if the student has a level of C1 in English or better.
Please check with your coordinator if there is a bilateral agreement in these fields of study before you apply for these courses.
You are required to have the majority of your courses/ECTS (51% or more) at the Faculty of Arts (course codes starting with A). As long as you fulfil this requirement, you may select courses at other faculties as well, although we do not recommend choosing your most important courses outside of the Faculty of Arts, because we cannot guarantee that you will be admitted to them.
Please DO NOT enrol in any courses at the medical faculties (course codes starting with B, C, or D).
Also, please note that different faculties have different enrollment periods than the Faculty of Arts – they may end earlier or start later than ours. It is up to you to make sure that your enrollment in courses at other faculties is correct before their enrollment period ends.
If you have questions about courses at other faculties, you may find the contact details of other faculty coordinators here.
The number of ECTS/courses you must take depends mainly on the requirements of your university (sending institution). If you are unsure about how many credits you need, you should consult the coordinator of your home institution. Most students attend courses worth 20–30 ECTS per semester.
It is not necessary, you may send your application to the email address erasmusin@ff.cuni.cz.
The coordinators at the (university-wide) European Office are in charge of the accommodation. You can find more information about it here or contact them at erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz.
Yes, you may if your university agrees with it and if we have the capacity to host you again.
There are four basic steps (more detailed information can be found here):
- Check with coordinators at both universities that they agree with your prolongation,
- Fill in a Learning Agreement for the second semester (you must use the Charles University version of the form, which you can dowload here).
- Send the Learning Agreement to your home coordinator for their signature.
- Submit the Learning Agreement (signed by you and your home coordinator) to your Faculty Coordinator at Charles University in person or via email.
The deadline for sending us your signed Learning Agreement (for prolongation) is 10 January!
Yes, your participation at the Registration day (the first day of the Orientation week) is obligatory. You should plan to arrive in Prague the night before, or at the latest the morning of the Registration day, as the meeting will take place in the morning (usually starting around 9 am). Check the Academic Calendar for this year’s exact dates.
Yes, we will have brand new courses open for winter semester 2023/2024. You will find some of them listed below soon (it is not a complete list of the new courses). They will not all be in SIS yet, but if you would like to attend some of them, you may put them in your Learning Agreement (as part of your application) without the course code.
Once they are in the system, we will update the list below with the codes.
Czech universities use a 4-point grading system, ranging from 1 (excellent) to 4 (fail). Your teachers will assign your grades based on this scale and it will also appear in your profile in the Student Information System).
However, when you receive your Erasmus transcript, your Czech grade will be converted into an ECTS grade (on the A–F scale) below:
- Excellent (excellent performance): A (or B)
- Very Good (above the average standard, but with some errors): C (/D)
- Good (generally sound work with a number of notable errors): E
- Fail (unsatisfactory performance): F
The primary apps used for e-learning at CU FA are MS Teams, Moodle, and Zoom. If you are unsure which platform a given course is using, check the information in the SIS, if there is no such information, please send an email to the teacher. Often, the teachers will send information about their courses by email, which you have entered into the SIS; so, please make sure you are checking this email regularly.
The login to the MS Teams account is in the following format: „LOGIN@ff.cuni.cz“, while LOGIN is the login you use for the SIS (not the numbers, the one based on your name). The password is the same as the one you use for access to the SIS. It is important to log in using your Faculty of Arts account, you will have easier access to the respective teams your teachers have set up.
If you have courses at other faculties, the teacher may need to add you to the class as a guest. If the teacher is having trouble with this process, you can send them this guide (in Czech).
If you are having difficulty using any e-learning platforms, you can contact elearning@ff.cuni.cz for help.
If the issue seems to be of technical nature, you can contact our IT office at lvt@ff.cuni.cz.
Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinators
Mgr. Lenka Kristenová
+420 221 619 841
Mgr. Barbora Dogan
+420 221 619 427
Email: erasmusIN@ff.cuni.cz
Office Hours
Room 128, main building
Tuesday 9:00–12:00
Wednesday 14:00–17:00
Thursday 14:00–16:00