Peter Kosta: Sémantika syntaxe a syntax sémantiky. O událostech, argumentech a adjunktech

In the fourth chapter of my new book entitled “Syntax of Meaning and Meaning of Syntax: The Computing Mind” (work in progress), which is concerned with the specific relation between the Sensu-Motoric (SM) and the Conceptual-Intentional (CM) interfaces, I shall introduce a new syntactic category, namely adjuncts, concentrating on the syntactic properties of event-predicates and their relation to the syntax of argument-predicate structure in general. The major concern will be to discover the core of relational semantics which binds temporal operators in the highest projection of the prolific domain in the sense of Grohmann (2003, 2004) and Krivochen/Kosta (2013, 2014), namely (CP – TP – VP), and maps the syntax of variables to the semantic space which their predicates open.

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Začátek události
15. 5. 2015 11:00
Místo konání
nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1 (FF UK, m. č. 300)
Typ události
Konference a přednášky