Edward Said/Mahmoud Darwish: Contrapuntal Implications

Ústav Blízkého východu a Afriky FF UK srdečně zve na přednášku s názvem „EDWARD SAID/MAHMOUD DARWISH: CONTRAPUNTAL IMPLICATIONS”, kterou přednese známý syrský literární kritik Subhí al-Hadídí.

Both friends for decades, and fellow Palestinian exiles, Edward W. Said and Mahmoud Darwish had many points of agreement, but also a few disagreements. Far from being discrepancies in their general vision as to how exile has framed their lives and works, those divergences were rather some sort of interesting ‘contrapuntal implications’: Art and Poetry for Darwish, Theory and Criticism for Said.
In a 1994 essay, written by Said and published in Grand Street under the title “On Mahmoud Darwish”; and in a 2004 poem, titled طباق (Contrapuntal), Darwish wrote in Said’s honor after his death; the two express several aspects of a certain dialectics of agreement/disagreement.

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Začátek události
9. 3. 2016 18:00 - 20:00
Místo konání
Celetná 20, Praha 1 (Ústav Blízkého východu a Afriky FF UK, m. č. 238, 2. patro)
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