Dr. Laurel Bestock (Brown University): Forgotten Fortress: recent work at Uronarti, Sudan

Uronarti was one of a string of monumental fortresses constructed along the Nile in Lower Nubia by the Egyptian kings of the 12th Dynasty.  Long thought to have been flooded when the Aswan High Dam was built, it has recently been discovered that the fort and much of its surrounding territory are in fact above water.  Survey and excavation undertaken by Brown University and the Austrian Academy of Sciences demonstrate the rich potential offered for asking new questions about the practice of Egyptian colonialism and the complex relations between Egyptians and Nubians nearly 4000 years ago.  This talk will introduce the site and recent finds, and set them in the broader context of colonialism.

Přednáška se koná v rámci Brown Lecture Series.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
2. 5. 2017 13:20
Místo konání
Celetná 20, Praha 1 (FF UK, místnost č. C419)
Typ události
Konference a přednášky