Book Presentation: Resettling the Borderlands (State Relocations and Ethnic Conflict in the South Caucasus)

A study of Imperial Russian and Soviet resettlement policies in the South Caucasus and their impact on the ethnic conflict:

Exploring the policies and implementations of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, Resettling the Borderlands investigates the nexus between imperial practices, foreign policy, religion, and ethnic conflicts. Taking a comparative approach, the book looks at the most active phases of resettlement, when the state imported and relocated waves of German, Russian and Armenian settlers into the South Caucasus and deported thousands of others.

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Začátek události
4. 4. 2018 18:00
Místo konání
nám. Jana Palacha 2 Praha 1 (hlavní budova FF UK, 2. patro, místnost č. 200)
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