is a humanities-focused programme that offers students a broad perspective in the liberal arts, i.e. all humanities subjects that touch on current situations and issues in the world. Thanks to the interdisciplinarity that is emphasised by ELAN, selected students will broaden their horizons beyond the scope of the field that they are studying at the University.

The programme includes a study trip to a partner university for a semester or a whole year, during which you can participate in a two-week internship or summer school, if offered by the institution abroad, or work on the project of your choice with support from a specialist tutor.

Students involved in the programme must meet the requirements set by the ELAN board, after which they receive the ELAN certificate, which they can include in their CV.

The European Liberal Arts Network encompasses a network of twelve partner universities, with its headquarters at KU Leuven in Belgium. The programme was established in Bristol, UK in 2013 to promote student mobility and interdisciplinarity.

For further information about the programme, see: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/fakultaeten/philosophie/zegk/new_elan/index.html

Selection procedure

The selection procedure for trips to partner universities in 2025/26 takes place from 6 to 31 January 2025 with the submission of documents to erasmusout@ff.cuni.cz or erasmusin@ff.cuni.cz. The required documents can be submitted until this date. The second round of the selection procedure (based on the materials submitted for the procedure) takes place mid February in the presence of the coordinators for the Faculty of Arts, the chosen university abroad and other ELAN partners abroad.

Documents required for application:
  • Application including motivation, a brief overview of the project and preferred universities (1st, 2nd and 3rd choice).
  • Transcript of Records (this document can be generated from  SIS or requested in English from the Student Affairs Office)
Selection criteria:
  • motivation
  • language skills
  • planned project
  • grade point average up to 1.7

  • students who fail to fulfil all the obligations specified in the Participation Agreement for their previous trip are not permitted to apply for the subsequent selection procedure.

Before departure, during your mobility abroad and after departure info

As the ELAN programme is financed through the Erasmus+ programme, it is necessary to follow the same administrative procedure as for outgoing mobility through Erasmus+.

In addition to the administrative steps for obtaining a scholarship, you will be sent details for logging in to Moodle from the foreign university (the University of Siena, which is the programme administrator), where you create an ELAN application.

In order to obtain the ELAN Certificate it is necessary to meet the mandatory and optional requirements, which can be found on the official website of the ELAN programme.


International Relations Office
nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, Prague 1
Room P103 and P128

Czech Studies
Na Příkopě 584/29, Prague 1