European Civilisation and the World Between Conflicts, Cooperation and Dialogue

Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, will host on 18 September 2015 this conference devoted to a broad range of themes. In view of this we formulated the wide scope of the conference topics to highlight as much as possible interdisciplinary cooperation in the humanities. As the name indicates, the individual papers should be conceptual questions concerning inter-cultural conflicts, cooperation and dialogue. As this conference should become an arena for confrontations of different sectoral and methodological approaches, we would be grateful if the lecturers always took into consideration the presentation and pragmatic viewpoint: to what extent is their topic able to help understand contemporary problems of human civilisation.

The conference is not delimited chronologically in advance. Seeing the research project (Programmes of Developing Academic Fields at Charles University 12), of which the event is part, we envisage the thematic focus being on the period of modern age and modernity (16th – 20th century), although this approximate time frame will not be regarded as unchangeable in the event of interesting lecture proposals. In an environment of dynamically developing conflicts and cooperation in the immediate present inspiration offers itself, drawn from the past, which may be mediate by scholars from different disciplines of the humanities.

Call for Papers

Event detail

Event start
18. 9. 2015
Faculty of Arts, Jan Palach Square 2, Prague 1 (room no. 201)
Organizing Institution
Faculty of Arts, Charles University: Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies; Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies; Department of Central European Studies; Centre for Ibero-American Studies; Department of Czech History; Institute of Economic and Social History; Department of General History; Department of East European Studies
Event type
Call for papers, Conference