Dr Monika Kocot: Voices and Messages in Edwin Morgan’s Poetry

The Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures cordially invites you to a lecture “When Understanding Breaks in Waves: Voices and Messages in Edwin Morgan’s Poetry” by Dr Monika Kocot (University of Lodz). The lecture will be held on Wednesday 13 November in Room 111 (CUFA main building) at 14:15. All welcome.

The lecture examines Edwin Morgan’s poetry with an emphasis on various kinds of dialogical thinking employed in sense creation, visible in imagery building, in the structures of the poems, but also in the philosophies of Morgan’s verse. Consideration is given to the ways in which a multifarious, and often potentially subversive, dialogism (particularly Morgan’s dialogical thinking consisting in games of quotations from and allusions to cultural texts) plays a crucial role in the construction as well as reconstruction and deconstruction of meanings of words, phrases, larger units of narration, and concrete constellations, and how Morgan initiates a game with his readers aimed at making them active and creative producers of meaning, by offering them numerous possibilities of (multimodal) sense creation.

Dr Monika Kocot is interested in contemporary Scottish poetry and prose, Native American writing, comparative studies and literary translation. She is the author of Playing Games of Sense in Edwin Morgan’s Writing (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016) and co-editor of Języki (pop)kultury w literaturze, mediach i filmie (Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015) and Nie tylko Ishiguro. Szkice o literaturze anglojęzycznej w Polsce (Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019, in print). She is a member of the Association for Cultural Studies, The Association for Scottish Literary Studies, the French Society of Scottish Studies (SFEE), and Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawstwa Kognitywnego (Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association). She is the President of The K.K. Baczynski Literary Society.

Event detail

Event start
13. 11. 2019 14:10 - 15:45
Faculty of Arts, nám. Jana Palacha 2, Prague 1 (room 111)
Event type