Every June, Pride Month draws attention to the rights and culture of sexual minorities and the ongoing discrimination and homophobia against LGBTQ+ people. This year, CU FA joins the event with a series of lectures and discussion sessions aimed not only at raising awareness of LGBTQ+ but also at the history, literature, philosophy, and other related fields of the community.

The programme is designed to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues and to create an environment where it is possible to express oneself without fear and to discuss LGBTQ+ community issues in a society-wide context.
In June, seven lectures (one in English, one combines Czech and English) will be held in the main building of the CU FA (nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, Prague 1). The academic community of CU FA and everyone interested in this topic is welcome to join the lectures and discussions. Most of them will also be streamed on the faculty’s YouTube channel.
You may find the list of all the other lectures (mainly in Czech), at the bottom of the Czech page here.