Jak vypadaly středověké biografie? Na cyklus přednášek je zvána široká veřejnost

Centrum pro studium středověku FF UK a Ústav germánských studií FF UK zvou na sérii přednášek v rámci kurzu Life and Biography in the Middle Ages. Všechny přednášky a diskuse budou vedeny v anglickém jazyce, jednotlivá sezení povedou pozvaní profesoři českých a zahraničních univerzit.

Cílem semináře je zobrazit podoby a formy, jichž ve středověku nabýval žánr biografie. Seminář se pokusí pokrýt široké rozpětí středověkých kultur a jazyků a zohlední životopisná díla latinská, židovská, středohornoněmecká, okcitánská, staroseverská, balkánská. Současně by se ale rád pokusil zmapovat až panoptikální přehlídku postav, jež středověká kultura životopisem v té či oné formě poctila: pohanské a křesťanské krále, světce, samozřejmě Ježíše, a hrdiny ale i dobrodruhy, padouchy a temné hrdiny.

Seminář by se nicméně nerad vyčerpal popisem a literární analýzou jednotlivých životopisných žánrů a děl. Základem, který by měl stát za všemi jednotlivými příspěvky, by měla být otázka po tom, co bylo pro středověkého člověka na lidském životě podstatné, co mu v jeho očích dávalo hodnotu a konstituovalo jeho smysl.

kód předmětu v SIS: ASK200217

místo konání: nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1, m. č. 319

čas: čtvrtky od 17:30 do 19:00

kontaktní osoba: Jiří Starý | jiri.stary@email.cz


22. 2. | A Bishop | Double life of Henry. Metaphor in the Finnish St. Henry of Uppsala Legend

Young Czech scholar Michal Kovář (Masaryk University Brno) will speak about the role played by metaphors in the legend about the life of the Finnish Bishop St. Henry († 1156).

1. 3. | A Celebrity | Sportsmen and Pop-Stars: The Genre of Biography in the Modern Literature

Young Czech literary scholar Klára Soukupová (Charles University, Prague) will speak about the profound changes of the genre of biography in contemporary Europe and trace in how far they reflect the changes of attitude to human life in modern society.

8. 3. | A Poet | Troubadour Biographies: From Satire to Courtly Teaching

Spanish scholar Miriam Cabré (Universitat de Girona) will speak about the so called Vidas, lives of famous Occitan troubadours and search for their function in medieval Occitan society.

15. 3. | A Hero | Sigurd the Dragon Slayer. Medieval Legend and Pagan Ritual

Danish scholar Jens Peter Schjødt (Aarhus Universitet) will illustrate on the person of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer, one of the most famous medieval heroes, in how far the “heroic biography” was based on the so called “rites de passage“ of archaic societies.

22. 3. | A Count | The Life and Murder of Count Charles the Good of Flanders (1127)

Jeff Rider (Wesleyan University) will comment on the remarkable life of Charles the Good, count of Flanders, murdered 1127 in the church of St. Donatian in Bruges and on chronicle of his regin written by Galbert of Bruges.

29. 3. | A Heathen King Rolf Stavnem (AU Aarhus): Life and Death of Heathen Kings of the North

Danish scholar Rolf Stavnem (Aarhus Universitet) will analyse the medieval descriptions of the lives of the lords in the pre-Christian Scandinavia.

5. 4. | An Adventurer | Polish Comes Piotr Wlostowic – Grand Lord from Silesia, Famous Adventurer and Lover, Statesman Ending his Career Punished with Blinding, Benefactor of the Church – and his Legend in Medieval and Post-Medieval Sources Including Lost Carmen Mauri

Polish scholar Leszek Słupecki (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski) will speak about the spectacular and adventurous life of Polish knight Piotr Wlostowic († 1153).

12. 4. | A Founder of a Holy Dynasty | Through the Secular and Saintly Eyes of his Sons: A Comparative Consideration of Two Biographies of Stefan Nemanja, the Founder of the Serbian Medieval State

Serbian scholar Slavica Rankovic will compare two lives of Stefan Nemanja, the Grand Prince of Serbia and challenger of Byzantine Emperors, written by two of his sons: Stefan the First-crowned, the first Serbian king and Saint Sava, the first Serbian archbishop.

19. 4. | A Saint | Holy Lives. How you Make a Saint?

Famous Austrian medievist Rudolf Simek (*1954) from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn will speak about the constitution of the lives of the medieval saints.

26. 4. | A Villain | The Growth of the Biography of Dismas and Gesmas in Medieval Sources

German medievist and germanist Wilhelm Heizmann (Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München) will speak about the constitution of lives of the two prototypic villains of the European Middle Ages: Dismas and Gesmas, the two thieves on the Cross.

3. 5. | Jesus | The Late Medieval Lives of Christ

Hungarian scholar David Falvay (ELTE Budapest) will speak about the late medieval lives of Christ and evaluate them as reflections of the medieval Christian piety.

10. 5. | A Jewish Jesus | Sorcerer, Rebel, or Pious Fool? Jewish Narratives about Jesus and Their Medieval Afterlives

Young Czech Hebraist Milan Žonca (Charles University, Prague) will speak about spectacular, scurrile and blasphemous Jewish medieval narratives about the life of Jesus Christ

17. 5. | A Dark Hero | Tronege Hagen and the Sinister Thread of the Middle High German Nibelungenlied

Young German scholar Florian Deichl (Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München) will speak about the sinister figure of Hagen in the German medieval Song of the Nibelungs and try to uncover the origins of the human fascinations by so called “dark heroes”.

The series is organized by the Department of Scandinavian Studies and the Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague. The Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages is part of the Humanities Research Centers.

The series is supported by the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague.

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