CEFRES epistemological seminar “Exploring Interdisciplinarity”

CEFRES epistemological seminar  “Exploring Interdisciplinarity” will start on Thursday 15 October, from 3.30 at CEFRES.

This theoretical and methodological seminar exploring interdisciplinarity will be based on a selection of readings. Description of the seminar is available on CEFRES website:

Filip Vostal (CEFRES / FLU AV CR) will kick off the first session: ”Theorizing Interdisciplinarity” and discuss with some broader commentary on the problem of interdisciplinarity on the basis of several texts:

  1. Andrew BARRY & Georgina BORN: Interdisciplinarity: Reconfigurations of the social and natural sciences. In Interdisciplinarity: Reconfigurations of the social and natural sciences edited by A Barry and G Born, pp. 1-56, London: Routledtge, 2013.
  2. Bruno LATOUR, « Pour un dialogue entre science politique et science studies », Revue française de science politique, 2008/4 (Vol. 58), p. 657-678.
  3. Bruno LATOUR, « Vous avez dit pluridisciplinaire ? » In Chroniques d’un amateur de sciences [online], Paris, Presses des Mines, 2006, p. 59-61. http://books.openedition.org/pressesmines/172
  4. John ROBINSON: Being undisciplined: Transgressions and intersections in academia and beyond. Futures 40 (2008): 70-86, 2008.

 All students and staff are warmly welcome.

Those who are interested can contact Claire Madl (claire@cefres.cz) to get hold of the texts to be read and commented.

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